Thursday, August 26, 2010

Polyester doesn't breathe.

First day of school—no classes for me until the 30th though. I got through the day, but I’m definitely in over my head.  I feel woefully unprepared for Monday.  Time to swim or die.

I looked natty in my polyester suit but I paid a terrible price. I was met at the door by the principal and escorted to his office, where the temperature was 27 degrees and the humidity dire. What followed was truly epic sweatiness. I was sweating so profusely that the vice principal fetched me a thick wad of tissues and the principal himself got up to crank the ac. Then a secretary or something served us steaming hot tea. Great. A stream of sweat was coursing out my sleeves as the three Koreans spoke about I don’t know what. Me, I imagine. Within seconds I had sweated a handprint onto my pant leg. This meeting went on for an eternity or like 6 minutes, I’m not sure.

At least my effort was visible. All the information the principal had to judge me with is what my head co-teacher told him and what he could figure out with his eyes. Hopefully he thought “I respect this young man for undergoing such terrible suffering in order to respect me with his dress” rather than “this disgusting foreign animal is disgracing my cushions.”

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